Thursday, March 17, 2016

hilton hotels Vs maarriott hotels on facebook

                                                         Author: dimple gogna 

Hilton hotels

they post twice a day as they are active on Facebook. and you can see that  in this post they shows about the beach of the Hilton hotels at their new locations and they talk about the new services and new extra facilities which are provided in this hotel and specially about the view of this hotel which are mostly liked by the people but in this post and the promotion of this new location of the Hilton hotels  through the trip adviser also by using the keyword of beach and resorts they did not use 50/50 strategy as we can see clearly. but the best post of Hilton hotels's Facebook page as you can seee that this post is liked by the millions of the people. this post is really successful because they took very beautiful view and explained very  briefly in the form of video so this one is considered as very promotional, successful and the best post of he Hilton hotels.

                                                     Facebook post: hilton hotels

Marriott hotels

they post twice in a week, as we can say they post less as compared to the Hilton hotels as they are promoting their hotel in this post on international level their hotels and also they are acquiring start-wood hotels and resorts worldwide and creating the worlds largest hotel. as they use the 50/50 strategy  as they are looking  for the both advantages for own and for industry which can be clear by click this post. this the most recent post of the Marriott hotels and the very successful post which was liked by the 2.2k of people and shared by 702 people and having brief description of this post.

                                                      Facebook post: Marriott hotels

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